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About Us


Get to know the

Paula Coury

I'm Paula Coury , therapist, Specialist in Jungian Psychology from the Jungian Institute of Teaching and Research (IJEP) and facilitator of self-knowledge processes in light of the Enneagram. My main areas of activity are: anxiety, exhaustion/overwhelm, relationships, self-esteem and self-knowledge.

If you want changes in your life, how about starting by looking inside? Remember that no one is able to change another. Everyone changes for themselves, when the pain of continuing to follow the same pattern becomes unsustainable.

This process can help you not only face immediate challenges, but also anticipate and deal with potential future difficulties. And you, are you ready to dive into yourself?

Jungian Psychology

Psychological suffering, such as depression and anxiety, is on the rise. Trying to suppress these feelings does not solve them and strengthens them, leading to crises. According to Carl Jung, those who are unaware of their unconscious are more influenced by it. Jungian Psychology seeks to integrate the unconscious with consciousness to promote balance and a new attitude. This integration occurs through dreams, symptoms and other manifestations. In therapy, the objective is to deal constructively with these contents, seeking the individual's totality rather than perfection.


The Enneagram

Who am I? Why do I act a certain way and can't change, even though I know it's bad for me? How can I deal with my limitations and develop my potential? Why do other people feel, think and act so differently? How can I better understand others and improve my interpersonal relationships? How to live a more meaningful life?

If these questions worry you, the Enneagram can help you look for the answers where they are... within you!


What do they say about our Deck?

"The enneagram personality type does not reveal who the person is, but rather how they limit their true self"

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