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Get to know the

If you want changes in your life, how about starting by looking inside?

Remember that no one is able to change another. Everyone changes for themselves, when the pain of continuing to follow the same pattern becomes unsustainable.
I know this internal dive can be scary. We don't know what we're going to find and we're afraid we won't be able to bear the pain of coming into contact with our wounds. Looking at yourself is an act of courage! And it is also the basis for promoting profound and sustainable changes in our lives.
This process can help you not only face immediate challenges, but also anticipate and deal with potential future difficulties.
And you, are you ready to dive into yourself?

Discover our deck!

The Enneagram Deck is a versatile tool that can be used both for personal use and by psychotherapists and other professionals in the field of people development, in individual or group processes. It consists of 45 illustrated cards (portraying the 9 personality types, the 27 subtypes and the 9 paths of development or reconnection with the Essence), accompanied by a support book, which brings together explanatory texts for each profile, as well as several suggestions for How to use The Deck.


"The people who least know their unconscious side are the ones who receive the most influence from them"

Carl Jung

A ferramenta lúdica que te ajudará a viver com significado e construir conexões enriquecedoras 

Each card is an invitation to embark on a journey towards a deeper understanding of the patterns that shape your life and relationships, so that you can make more conscious choices aligned with your truth.

Prepare to explore, discover, and transform as the cards reveal the secrets that shape who you are and who you can become!


What do they say about our Deck?



Asa Norte CLN 202 Arkamatra - Saúde Integral, BL B, Asa Norte, Brasília - DF, 70832-525

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